Our Team

Our core members are from the class of 2024 high school students from Shanghai Pinghe School. Below are group photos (some with some hilarious elements) from our online/offline meeting discussions, as well as our self-introductions!

Xiyue Zhang (Charlotte) :

Hey everyone! I’m really into writing in my diary, visiting art exhibitions, and diving into books. I guess you could say I’m a bit of a literary enthusiast, haha. Sometimes, I even dabble in coding and create small games just for fun. According to the MBTI, I’m an INFP, so I’m a bit on the introverted side. But I really enjoy getting to know new people through group activities, and I also love interacting with kids.

Xuyi Zhou (Mike) :

Hey there, everyone! I feel incredibly fortunate to have this chance to connect more deeply with the kids in my hometown. It’s such a rewarding experience to engage in thoughtful conversations with them! My goal is to help them develop independent thinking skills and foster their abilities through our activities. Plus, organizing and conducting these exchanges is also a valuable opportunity for personal growth, hahaha. During my free time, I’m into basketball, Go, and playing the guitar. I often have these quirky ideas that I love sharing with others… I’m generally outgoing and tend to be a bit abstract, hahahaha!

Yifan Qian (Felix):

I have a keen interest in history and current affairs, especially international issues and events. I’m also pretty good at ping pong, cycling, and math. Through the Lighthouse program, I try to maintain regular communication with children in rural areas and help them in their growth. Engaging in these discussions broadens my horizons and improves my critical thinking, as well as that of the children I interact with.

Tianyu Sun (Ray):
Heloo~ I’m Ray. I find an interest in law, public policy, and social justice in general. I’m specifically keen in exploring arguments and theories surrounding gender equality and anti-discrimination. During spare time, I’m obsessed with watching and performing in  musical theatre, as well as playing piano and reading novels. Sports are NOT my thing (never since birth). I was mainly engaged in PHlighthouse during the preparation phase of the program in spotting flaws in the education system under which the kids grew and
planning supplemental subjects and accordingly themes of discussion with team members. This program had been an invaluable experience and I wish kids in this program all the best in the future! 

Chaojin Li (Charlie): 

Hey everyone, this is Charlie. I’m interested in biology, public health and medicine and I love to discover the intricate structures, systems and interactions inside human body and organisms. I’m a well-rounded person so I always like to obtain information from different fields in different sources and develop an independent and critical opinion on different issues. So during the discussion with my student I include knowledge in sociology, human geography, biology and even political science. Talking with a person in different background is so inspiring and allow me to have a completely different opinion on certain issue. And I hope my student, through our discussion, could also gain a different angle to see the world.

Qien Shensun:

Hey, everyone! When I have some downtime, I enjoy watching movies, reading books, and listening to music. I find great pleasure in observing nature and appreciating the beauty of the world around me. As an outgoing person, I’m always ready to strike up a conversation with strangers. I believe that through conversations and teaching, we can not only expand children’s knowledge but also gain valuable insights into life in different areas. It’s been an incredibly interesting and meaningful experience!


On behalf of the PH Lighthouse team, I would like to thank Mr. Yichao for his guidance, Jenny for her ideas, and William Li for his technical support in setting up the website! Working together, we made PH Lighthouse possible!